Compensation for Employers of Reservists Program

Compensation for Employers of Reservists Program (CERP) is a Department of National Defence (DND) grant program for which the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) provides administrative support. In addition to issuing grants to employers of reservists and self-employed reservists, CERP provides an opportunity to conduct outreach and bring awareness to the business community and educational institutions about the important role, training and special skills reservists bring to the military and their personal careers outside of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Objectives of this Program:

Expected Results:

Immediate outcomes:

  • Employers are compensated for operational losses when reservists take time away from work to serve on military operations.
  • Enhanced relationships with civilian employers.
  • Internal and external stakeholders’ capability to support reservists is strengthened.

Intermediate outcomes:

  • Reservists’ availability for military duty will be further enabled.
  • Reservists’ ability to balance work, family and military commitments will be better supported.

Long term outcomes:

  • Greater awareness and promotion of the work of the Reserve Force among civilian employers, educational institutions and throughout Canadian communities.
  • Improved links to Canadian communities.
  • The reputation of the CAF and reservists in communities across Canada is protected and enhanced.

For more information on the program, please refer to the Department of National Defence website.

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