COVID-19 Workspace Adaption Assistance Fund Extended Funding Deadline

Please note this program has been extended to August 31, 2020.

The COVID-19 Workspace Adaption Assistance Fund provides a non-repayable contribution toward the cost of implementing a COVID-19 Operational Plan.

Who is eligible for funding?

Prince Edward Island businesses, not-for-profits, and non-governmental organizations that have incurred costs to implement safety measures of a COVID-19 Operational Plan, with the exception of:

*Other funding opportunities are available.

What activities are supported through this program?

This Fund contributes to costs (retroactive to March 16, 2020) that are directly related to implementing safety measures of a COVID-19 Operational Plan, including but not limited to:

What activities are NOT supported through this assistance?

What level of assistance is available?

Maximum Fund contribution of $2,000 (based on 75% of Eligible Project Costs).

A maximum of two (2) applications, for a total of $2,000 per business location.

What criteria are used to evaluate funding applications?

Eligible costs will be reimbursed based on the merits of the application.

Applicants must clearly identify the work that has been completed and how it directly relates to the implementation of their COVID-19 Operation Plan.

Applicants must attest that the costs have been incurred and paid on their submitted Project Claim Form spreadsheet.

Receipts are not required to be submitted but applicant must agree to retain all documents for a period of three years for the purpose of a follow-up audit by Innovation PEI(link is external).

The project must be completed before applying to this Fund; labour and materials must be purchased from a third party (arms-length) supplier to be considered eligible costs.

How do I apply?

When is the deadline for applications?

Online applications can be submitted until August 31, 2020, subject to budget availability.

What are the terms and conditions of the application?

View the full terms and conditions.

Who can I contact for information?

Innovation PEI
94 Euston Street, PO Box 910
Charlottetown, PE     C1A 7L9
Telephone:     (902) 368-6300
Facsimile:       (902) 368-6301
Toll-free:         1-800-563-3734
Email:     sends e-mail)

Source: Government of Prince Edward Island

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