Government of Canada extends Workforce Solutions Road Map and Introduces New Wage Requirements Under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

The Government of Canada is supporting Canadian employers and helping them adapt to current economic conditions. Canada is experiencing continued low unemployment rates and while there are some signs that labour shortages are easing, the rebound is inconsistent, and certain sectors, such as hospitals, food manufacturing, construction, and accommodation and food services, are still facing challenges.

In April 2022, the Government introduced the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program Workforce Solutions Road Map to help employers fill job vacancies in the wake of labour shortages. The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, Randy Boissonnault, announced changes to the Road Map, to better reflect current labour market conditions and the economic outlook for the future. These extended measures will be in place until August 30, 2024, and will be reviewed as labour market and economic conditions continue to evolve in the following months.

For complete details, visit: Employment and Social Development Canada

Source: Government of Canada (October 26, 2023)

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