What You Need To Know

It is important that you understand all the factors that can impact your workforce. As the population ages you will now see many workers retiring.  This is the first time that the workplace has five generations working side-by-side with varying expectations towards work. You will also notice a growing and vibrant immigrant population being welcomed into workplaces.  The changing dynamics of the workforce means companies will need to better understand and develop new ways to attract, manage, and keep top talent to remain competitive in the market.

Why You Need To Know

The market for skilled and unskilled labour is competitive.  By being proactive you improve your ability to prepare for, and respond to, trends that can impact your business.

What You Need To Do

WorkPEI, a resource provided by the Government of Prince Edward Island and the Department of Workforce and Advanced Learning, has useful regularly updated information such as labour statistics, economic indicators, demographic information, and population trends.

Local business groups and industry associations may also have relevant research that could provide you with valuable insights.
