Survey Seeks Input from Unpaid Caregivers in the Province

The provincial government is launching a public survey to gather information from unpaid caregivers in Prince Edward Island, to better understand their experiences providing care to a friend or family member.

The survey will ask questions about caregiving situations such as, who is receiving care, duration and type of care provided, and the emotional, social, and financial impact of caregiving. The survey will also ask people what is working well and ideas about ways to improve the support for caregivers. The data gathered on the experiences of Island caregivers will help develop programs to support them.

“Our government is committed to renewing and rebuilding the way we provide care to Islanders. As part of that we want to support the people who provide in-home care for friends or loved ones. This is an opportunity for government to learn from the experiences of Islanders.”

– Health and Wellness Minister Mark McLane

One in four Canadians is an unpaid caregiver to a family member or friend.

The PEI Unpaid Caregiver Survey(link is external) is available online to Island residents 16 years of age and older who provide care to family, friends, or others, without payment.

Paper copies are available from MRSB offices (139 Queen St, Charlottetown and 2B-500 Granville St, Summerside) and can be returned using the prepaid postage and mailing label provided.

Islanders also have the option to call 902-368-2182 to complete the survey by telephone.

Government is continuing to invest in supports for caregivers including a new program for people interested in training as respite workers.

Source: Government of Prince Edward Island

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